Friday, February 15, 2013

Prisoner to Prime Minister

In December I decided that I wanted to read the Bible in 2013, I was looking through different plans and I decided to read through the chronological plan.  I went out and bought a chronological Bible and I started reading January 1.  As I have been reading through the Old Testament, my eyes have been opened to so many things that I have never seen before, I have seen some things in a different light and God has been speaking to me through the simplest stories and details.  Right now I'm reading Exodus and I'm fighting to keep reading through the details of Moses' sacrifices and the specifications of his "church".
As I read through Genesis last month, my favorite part was Joseph's story.  He is such a great example of following God to reach our destiny no matter what tries to stop us.  I'm sure most of you know his story but if you don't, read it in Genesis 37-50.  I know it's long, but it's a good story!
After Joseph was sold into slavery, he was working in Potiphar's house.  When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him and he fled, she accused him of raping her and he was thrown into prison.  He remained in prison with Potiphar's cup bearer and baker.  When each of them had a dream they could not figure out what they meant and Joseph was able to interpret them, when his interpretations were correct, the cup bearer and the baker were released from prison.  Joseph's one request was, "Remember me!  Tell Potiphar I'm here and I can interpret dreams!"  And guess what, he forgot all about Joseph as soon as he was outside the prison walls.  Joseph remained in prison for two more years.  I don't know about you but after being in prison for a few months I would probably pout and blame God and declare my life "over".  That's just me though.
During those two years, Joseph was put in charge of all the prison...big whoop!  But Joseph continued to serve God faithfully and he ran that prison like a boss!  He did it with all of his heart and unto God.  And two years later, when Pharoh continued to have weird dreams and his magicians and sorcerers could not interpret them, his cup bearer said "Oh wait!  There is this guy in prison who can interpret dreams!"  Joseph was then brought to Pharoh and he was able to interpret his dream and Pharoh made him Prime Minister of Egypt!  What a turn around!
Looking at this story, it is obvious God had a plan for Joseph's life.  Joseph was created with a destiny just like each of us.  And unfortunately we live in a fallen world and people are going to recognize that in us and try to hinder us from reaching that destiny.  Joseph had 10 brothers that wanted to kill him but instead they sold him to slavery and little did they know, they were helping him get one step closer to his destiny.  They Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph to sleep with her but he refused and she falsely accused him of raping her which got him thrown into prison.  Little did she know Joseph would be put in charge of the prison where he would develop "management skills" to be able to later be Prime Minister of Egypt.  Wow!
How often do we look at our current situation and pout and blame God when we could possibly be one step closer to our destiny!?  I know I'm guilty of this way too often and I caught myself doing this as I was reading Joseph's story.
It doesn't matter where we are or how bad our circumstances look, if we faithfully serve God through those circumstances, he will bring us out victorious!  God has a plan and a destiny for your life and it can not be touched, altered or messed with as long as you are trusting Him!  We serve a great God and He can do more than we could ask or imagine!

"Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
-Ephesians 3:20-21

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