Saturday, August 18, 2012

I will make this place your home...

When I first started working for Jason's deli I had big hopes and dreams of moving up and advancing quickly.  I told God I wanted to be a GM in 3 years from when I got out of training (August 2010).  I worked hard and really thought I could do it.  And a year went by...nothing.  I lost a little motivation and circumstances led me to believe that maybe I should choose another profession or go back to being a server or quit my job and go back to school.  Anything that would get me out of this plateau that I felt like was never going to change. I love Jason's deli, it is a GREAT company to work was just that I felt like that was it, as good as it was going get, as far as I could go and I was getting frustrated.  I wanted to move up, I wanted to see progress and success.  And God knew all of this, I never gave up talking to Him about it!   Six more months went by... still nothing.

It was New Year's and as I sat around my parents dining room table with friends and family, we all shared our prayer requests with each other for the coming year.  When it came my turn, "A transfer, a promotion or a new job!" was my exact answer. Less than two months later I was transferred to another location.  I was not happy.  But that's what I wanted, right?  That's what I prayed for?  It was hard adjusting to a different store and a completely new staff that I didn't know.  I hated going to work for about 2 weeks.  Then one night I completely surrendered it to the Lord and I kid you not, the next day it was like a completely different place.  I enjoyed it, the staff and I got along, I laughed and enjoyed working and I felt comfortable in my new environment. Two months went by and I was bored again.  The same thing day after day, I'm in the same position and I don't see any promotion in the new future.  Man, waiting is so hard!! And God knows I'm one of the most impatient people on this earth.  I remember having a conversation with an old friend a few weeks ago and they were just asking how life was going and what was new.  They asked about work and I explained my frustration and just that I was waiting for something to come up.  They asked if I have a boyfriend and I explained that God has not brought along Prince Charming yet but I'm just waiting.  And they kinds laughed and said "You're just waiting for everything, aren't you?"  I didn't find it very funny but I thought, I have been in this season of waiting for a long time now!

We go through seasons in life just like seasons in the weather.  And sometimes they last a while and sometimes they aren't very long at all.  And in each season God is teaching or revealing something to us.  I know sometimes I want to hurry up and move on when all He wants is for me to wait on Him and learn to trust Him and be patient.  That is something He has obviously been teaching me lately and it's a hard thing for me to learn.  I love seeing the pieces come together as He works and reveals just one more part of the big picture.  He amazes me more and more and I can't help but fall apart in His presence and just sit in awe of Him.

Three more months go by...Friday morning I was at work and my District Manager came  in and offered me a promotion.  He told me that I would have to move to Lubbock, we discussed a few more details and I asked him if I could take the weekend to think about it and get back to him on Monday.  He said, "I need an answer in 2 hours." Ok then, 2 hours it is!!  I was overwhelmed with so many emotions, mostly excitement, that I could not focus on anything.  I called my dad and he did some quick research on Lubbock, meanwhile I'm trying to work and process all these things in my mind.  "God, what do I do?  Is this it?  Is this what I've been praying for?  Is it time for me to move on?"  With some many things going through my mind, I just felt His peace settle deep in my heart and I knew this was it.  I called my DM and accepted his offer and he said, "Great! We'll get you moved in about 10 days!"  All I could do was laugh, all that time I spent waiting is going to catch up with me and I gotta be ready to hit the ground running!!

So, I'm moving to Lubbock.  I'm going to pick up and leave this little life I've established for myself and start all over again.  I'm one step away from pursuing my big dream of having my own deli and I'm one step closer to the destiny God has for me.  Today God gave me the word "Home".  I feel like He's telling me that this is going to be my home. This is where I'm going to settle for good.   And as long as I'm with HIM, that's perfectly fine with me!

"Hold on to me as we go. As we roll down this unfamiliar road. And although this wave is stringing us along, just know you’re not alone. Cause I’m gonna make this place your home." -Phillip Phillips

This is a song God gave to me today as He was speaking to me about "Home":

I love you all, thanks for reading!

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